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Classibase version 1.4.6 released – Youtube video custom field

This release contains some important bug fixes and some cool new features like YouTube video integration.

Here are list of important new features added to Classibase in version 1.4.6

YouTube video custom field

Video is great way to display your item in detail. It will give confidence to buyer especially if you are selling big items like properties, cars, yachts etc. We added video custom field to Classibase so that you can allow adding videos for your site users. Video custom field works similar to other custom fields in Classibase. You can add video to certain categories, for example to cars and properties category. This way it will not be shown on irrelevant category like job listing for example.

To view detailed tutorial about adding video to your classifieds website read here.


Display popular users to encourage ad posting

We added “Users” widget to display latest or popular users. It is regular widget similar to existing “Ads” widget with simple, gallery and carousel views. Users are selected related to active location in order to display related users.

Updated Price custom field storage type

Before it was storing price field as integer which was insufficient for some users who want to list items with smaller price. That is why we changed price custom field to store float number in order to be enable to display price with decimal places like 3.20$ or 10.99$.

There are also minor changes and bug fixes in version 1.4.7 and 1.4.8.  You can view change log here.