Product images is essential feature of classifieds website. On Classibase classifieds script you can control number of images uploaded per ad, image size and thumbnail size displayed on item page and on listings. Also you can append watermark with your domain name to images in order to drive traffic from users who found images from your website on other media like website, search engine, printed paper, desktop computer or mobile phone.
To edit image settings follow these instructions:
- Navigate to “Settings” -> “Ads” from admin panel
- “Image uploads per ad” – set number of images you want to permit to upload per ad. Be aware that number of images selected to upload will slow down upload process. For example if not experienced user uploads 10 images with 1 MB size then it will be 10 MB data to upload to server, which will be slow for general use. So keep this number below 20-30 images. If you want to disable image uploads completely then set this number to 0. Changing number of uploads will not affect existing ads. For example if you permitted to upload 10 images initially and then set this to 0, disabling image uploads, old ads will still l have uploaded images.
- “Ad image width” and “Ad image height” is medium image size used to display on ad item page. Images will fit to this size keeping proportion, they will not be cropped. Resize process executed on the fly so changing this value will change existing image size as well.
- “Ad thumbnail width” and “Ad thumbnail height” are dimensions for thumbnail images. Thumbnail displayed on ad listing page and ad item page. Thumbnails are cropped to exact size defined in these fields.
- “Image watermark text” is for setting watermark image at the right bottom corner of uploaded image. Watermark is set on every image upload and cannot be changed later. Changing this value will not affect existing images, it will work for new image uploads only.
- You can set text value
- {@VIEWADLINKSHORT} - will add short link to add. Ex:, which will redirect to ad where this image belongs.
- {@SITENAME} - will display domain name, ex:
Actions performed on image upload:
- Image uploaded and resized to fit 800x600 dimension. On classifieds website you do not need to store high resolution images. Keeping image size low will allow server to perform resize operations faster, will allow storing more images, will make page load faster.
- Watermark added if it is set in image settings.
- Final image will be stored as original image and displayed as full size image when user clicks for zooming on image on ad item page.
- On medium or thumbnail size image request images will be generated by resizing from full size image. These images stored in cache folder. If you clear cache then medium and thumbnail images will be generated on next request.
- How to disable image uploads?
Set “Image uploads per ad” value to 0 (zero). - How to clear image cache?
Navigate to “Tools” -> “Clear cache” page from admin panel and click on “Clear cache” button. All images will be resized and stored in cache again on each image request.